Optimizing Horizontal Well Fracturing:
Choices & Results

Instructor: Dr. Ali Daneshy

October 5 ~ 9, Calgary

October 19 ~ 23, Houston

4.0 CEU
Participants will receive a one-year complimentary subscription to Hydraulic Fracturing Journal


Horizontal Well Fracturing Systems (3 days) Monday – Wednesday
This course presents a comprehensive review of the mechanics of fracture initiation and extension in horizontal wells. Using many case histories, the course discusses the operational features of different existing commercial completion systems in both open and cemented liner completions;and how and where they can be used for best production results. Other topics covered in the course include various materials, diagnostic systems, and their applications. The course ends with a review of options for re-fracturing horizontal wells completed with open or cemented liner.

Horizontal Well Fracture Interference (2 days) Thursday & Friday
This advanced-level course starts by reviewing the stress changes caused by an existing old fracture, and, by an actively growing new fracture. The discussion continues to cover the effects of stress shadowing, and, Dynamic Active Fracture Interaction (DAFI) and how each of them can change the outcome of multiple fractures created in horizontal wells. The course will show how these changes can ultimately cause fracture coalescence, and the frequently observed fracture intersections with adjacent offset wells.Understanding the causes and effects of stress shadowing and DAFIon fracturing outcome (width, length, path) results in design of better completions and fracture, and higher well production.The course includes effects of interference on Zipper fracs and Simul-fracs.

Another factor that is believed to influence fracturing results is activation of existing natural fractures within the formation. This course will show how and where these natural fractures are activated, and what happens to them after activation.

Fracture interference also offers an exciting novel source for determination of fracture parameters such as orientation, length, conductivity, and more. This interference can be between fractures in the same well (intra-well), or adjacent offset wells (inter-well). Through actual case histories, the course will show how fracture parameters can be evaluated by analysis of inter-well interference data. Intra-well interference data can be used for quality assurance of downhole tools, as well as qualitative determination of fracture orientation. The beauty of this technique is its ease of use, low cost, and high reliability of the outcome.

Using the information from both courses, and based on input from participants, several class examples will be developed and discussed at the end of the course.