Horizontal Oil Well Production Optimization using Nodal Analysis

Houston, Texas
1.6 CEUs


Course Description: The objectives of the course are (1) to develop an understanding of the theory and practice of oil production from vertical and horizontal wells, and (2) to achieve a working knowledge of the equipment and methods as applied to optimization of production systems involving horizontal wells. The benefits of this course are optimized through combination of lectures, class exercises, and interactive discussions pertinent to the specific needs of the audience. The participants have opportunity to solve example problems with course-provided computer programs. Course materials are mainly from the instructor’s recent books Well Productivity Handbook and Petroleum Production Engineering.

Who should attend? This course is designed for practicing completion and production engineers. It is recommended for both technical and management staff.

Course Contents
Course materials are presented in the following sections:
1. Determination of oil and gas properties
2. Inflow performance of oil wells of various architectures
3. Multiphase flow in well production strings
4. Multiphase flow in wellhead chokes
5. NODAL analysis of oil production systems
6. Class project

About the Instructor. Prof. Guo is the Chevron I/BORSF Professor of Petroleum Engineering at University of Louisiana- Lafayette and well known for his expertise in horizontal well engineering and multiphase flow in pipe systems. He has published 5 books and over 70 technical papers related to these topics. He has 28 years of work experience in the oil and gas industry and academia and is the recipient of many awards, among them SPE Regional Production and Operations Award in 2009. He holds a Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering from New Mexico Tech.