Course Duration: 4 days
Feb 18 ~ 21, 2019 Houston
Instructor: Dr. Ali Daneshy
3.2 CEU
Horizontal Well Fracture Initiation
General mechanics of fracture initiation in horizontal wells
Important features of fractures initiating in open-hole liner completions
Important features of fractures initiating in cemented liner completions
Principles and techniques of limited entry design
Fracture initiation in limited entry applications
Horizontal Well Completion Systems; Benefits and Limitations
Open-hole liner systems and their important operational and fracturing features
Importance of isolation between fracturing stages
Ball-activated sliding sleeves using multiple size balls
Ball-activated sliding sleeves using single size balls
Plug & Perf
Hybrid systems
Dual injection systems with hydra-jet perforations
Dual injection systems with CT-deployed sliding sleeves
Cemented liner systems and their important operational and fracturing features
Importance of isolation between fracturing stages
Plug & Perf
Dual injection systems with hydra-jet perforations
Dual injection systems with CT-deployed sliding sleeves
Ball-activated sliding sleeves using single size balls
Fracturing Fluids and Proppants
Fluid types and additives
Proppant transport in horizontal well fractures
Critical and in-depth review of the role of proppant in securing production increase
Commercial proppant types, their features, and quality control systems
Horizontal Well Fracture Diagnostic Systems; Features and Applications
Fracture azimuth determination methods & their features
Borehole mapping while-drilling
Before-frac pilot hole fracture detection systems
Active while-fracturing systems
(micro-seismic, tilt meter)
Post-fracture diagnostic methods and their applications
Proppant tracer systems and their use
Liquid tracers and their use
Water-based tracers
Oil-based tracers
Analysis of offset well pressure changes caused by interactions between created fractures
Types of interactions, their cause and effect on production
Advanced Topics in Horizontal Well Fracturing
Fracturing-induced stresses in the formation
Stress shadowing and resulting interactions between created fractures
Dynamic Active Fracture Interactions (DAFI) caused by multiple concurrent fracturing and resulting interactions between created fractures
Natural fractures and their effect on horizontal well fracturing
Types of natural fractures
Mechanics of activation of natural fractures intersected by the hydraulic fracture
Mechanics of the activation of natural fractures adjacent the hydraulic fracture